Jian SU (苏俭)

Unit Head, Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Co-Director, Baidu I2R Research Centre (BIRC)
A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R)


2013 President's Technology Award (team), Singapore (Citation: for the outstanding contributions to human language technology that have empowered the industry and benefited the Asian society.)

2003 The Enterprise Challenge Award (team), Singapore

2002 Best Paper Award, Laboratory of Information Technology, Singapore

International Benchmark

2018 Best performances in DuReader Leaderboard, a web scale Machine Reading Comprehension Task organised by Baidu on the most challenging Yes / No QA sub_task among 14 teams.

2016 Best performances in 4 evaluations of Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis tasks at SemEval-­2016 among 21 international teams. SemEval is an ongoing series of evaluations of computational semantic analysis systems starting from 1998.

2015 Three 1st and one 2nd in Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis tasks at SemEval-2015 among 14 international teams.

2015 2nd in Noisy User Generated Text shared task on Twitter Named Entity Recognition at ACL 2015 among 8 international teams.

2011 Top performance in Knowledge Base Population Entity Linking task at Text Analysis Conference 2011 among 22 international teams.

2007 Best performance in BioCreAtIve II (Critical Assessment for Information Extraction in Biology) in protein protein Interaction Article Selection sub-task in terms of F Score among 19 international teams.

2004 Best performance in the closed test of Bio-Named Recognition task with BioCreAtive I (Critical Assessment of Information Extraction systems in Biology), among 12 international teams.

2004 Best Performance in Bio-NER task with IJNLPBA, CoLing 2004, among 8 international teams.

2000 Best individual system with English text chunking task at Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2000);

Invited Talks

  1. Invited talk at Singapore Symposium on Sentiment Analysis, March 2, 2021

  2. Invited talk at SinFra Workshop 2019 - Artificial Intelligence, 12-13 Dec, 2019

  3. Invited talk at WiNLP 2018 workshop, New Orleans, USA, Jun 1, 2018

  4. Invited talk at Knowledge Graph Technical Forum, 2017杭州。云栖大会 The Computing Conference organised by Alibaba, Oct 14, 2017

  5. Invited talk at Peking University, China, 16 January 2016

  6. Invited talk at NAIST, Japan, 1 March 2012

  7. Invited Course at 2012 International Winter School in Language and Speech Technologies (WSLST 2012), Tarragona, Spain, January 23-27

  8. Invited talk at NAIST, Japan, 1 March 2012

  9. Invited talk at 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language Information and Computing (PACLIC 25), Singapore, 16-18 December 2011

  10. Invited talk at the 22nd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2010), TaiWan, September 1-2, 2010

  11. Invited talk at School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, March 19, 2009

  12. Keynote Speech at International Conference on Asian Language Processing 2008, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov 12-14, 2008

  13. Invited talk at The National Centre of Text Mining, UK, April 23, 2008

  14. Invited talk at Dagstuhl seminar on "Text Mining and Ontologies for Life Sciences", Germany, March 24-28, 2008

  15. Invited talk at 5th joint workshop of BioInformatics and Natural Language Processing, Korea, Feb 14-15, 2008

  16. Invited talk at Industrial Program of European BioInfomatics Institute, UK, Sep 14, 2007

  17. Invited talk at MOE & Microsoft Key Laboratory of Natural Language Processing and Speech, HIT, China, Oct 15, 2005

  18. Invited talk at The National Centre of Text Mining, UK, April 14-15, 2005

  19. Keynote Speech at 3rd joint workshop of BioInformatics and Natural Language Processing, Korea, Feb 20-22, 2005

  20. Invited speech at CJNLP-04 (4th China-Japan Joint Conference to Promote Cooperation in Natural Language Processing), Nov. 10-12, 2004